
209 Out of Class Pay

Table of Contents: Chapter 2


209 OUT-OF-CLASS PAY (Effective 03/07/2022)

209.1 General

An employee may not be assigned to do Out-of-Class Work unless the employee is fully qualified to perform the additional duties.

Out-of-Class Work does not include performing work that is listed in the employee’s job description, such as covering for a higher position for absences of five business days or less, even if such work is included in the job description of another position with a higher pay grade. For absence of more than five business days, an employee designated by the Department Director as the "interim" employee for a particular position shall be considered to be performing Out-of-Class Work.

Except as provided for in this policy, no employee shall be assigned or required to perform duties generally performed by higher classifications except in case of a special business need or for limited periods of time less than the minimum period established herein. The clause in each position description relating to performing related work as required shall be liberally interpreted.

No employee shall be assigned to perform Out-of-Class Work for a period exceeding four (4) consecutive weeks without prior approval of the Department Director and the City Manager.

209.2 Out-of-Class Pay

Any Regular Employee who performs Out-of-Class Work shall be compensated at a rate of pay equal to 5% above the employee's current rate of pay for the hours actually performing Out-of-Class work.

209.3 Special Pay

If a Department has a need to provide Special Pay, the Department Director shall provide an outline of the need for Special Pay and the requirements an employee must meet to receive Special Pay to the City Manager and the Director of Human Resources.

An employee may receive Special Pay, upon written approval from the employee’s Department Director. When an employee no longer meets the requirements for Special Pay, the Department Director shall complete a Personnel Action Request form and submit it to the Human Resources Department. Special Pay is not include in the overtime calculation.