
103 Hiring Policy

Table of Contents: Chapter 1



103.1 Policy Statement

The purpose of this policy is to establish a consistent process for hiring and selecting new employees, supplemented by specific procedures defined for IAM and public safety sworn personnel.

103.2 Basis for Hiring

All hirings shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness demonstrated by examination or other evidence of competence as specified in the job description.

103.3 Budget

Positions to be filled must be budgeted. For general employees, the Hiring Manager will consult with Human Resources to define the specific recruitment strategy and selection process prior to initiating the hiring process.

103.4 Posting & Interest Cards

It shall be the policy of the City to post announcements for positions open for recruitment from outside the City service. Such announcements will state the time period during which applications will be accepted. Persons wanting to indicate their interest in a position during time periods when the position is not open for recruitment may do so by completing an interest card and filing it with Human Resources.

The Personnel Officer shall be responsible for receiving these interest cards and notifying the interested persons should a position become available within one year.

103.5 Application

All applications shall be made on forms prescribed by the Personnel Officer.

Application forms will require information that is legal and pertinent and all applications shall be signed and truth of statements contained therein certified by such signature. The Personnel Officer may require such proof of age, education,experience and other claims as are appropriate. Applications must be submitted by job title for the classification in which the applicant is seeking employment.

103.6 Minimum requirements

The Personnel Officer, after consulting with the appropriate Hiring Manager, shall interpret the minimum knowledge, skill and ability established by the job description for each classification and shall publish these minimum requirements when advertising the position. The Personnel Officer may remove from further consideration applicants who do not possess the minimum knowledge, skill or ability determined from the job description.

103.7 Examinations

Examinations may be assembled (a written test taken at a specified place) or unassembled (an oral interview or rating of training and experience), or both, and may include any combination of written, oral, physical, psychological or performance test, or polygraph (as permitted by law). Multiple examinations may be used, requiring the applicant to pass one (1) examination in order to be eligible to attempt another. The Personnel Officer, with advice from the appropriate Department Director and concurrence of the City Manager, shall determine the appropriate examination to be used. The Personnel Officer shall establish the passing point for each examination. Any applicant who meets the criteria established for the position shall be eligible to take the examination.

103.8 Certification

Where examinations are used, applicants who successfully complete the examination may have their names placed on an eligibility list for the appropriate classification. An eligible list will only be established for those classifications having a large number of positions as determined by the Personnel Officer. The Personnel Officer shall then certify to the appropriate Department Director for personal interviews the top five (5) names if only one (1) position is open, and an additional two (2) names for each additional open position in the same classification. Names shall be placed on the certified list in alphabetical order without regard for rank or grade. After the personal interview is conducted, the results of the interview will be reported to the Personnel Officer before more names will be certified. The eligible list shall remain in effect for a period of time determined by the Personnel Officer and may be reopened at any time.

103.9 Appointment

Appointments to the classified service shall be by persons authorized as appointing authorities by the City Manager and shall be on appropriate forms properly completed and signed by the City Manager.

103.10 Selection Process

103.10.1 Human Resources completes posting with input from Hiring Manager.
103.10.2 The Hiring Manager will determine whether to post the position internally only and the length of the internal posting.
103.10.3 Positions to be filled externally will be advertised by Human Resources in diverse local newspapers and on the City website, as well as posted internally.
103.10.4 National or regional searches may be conducted as part of the recruiting strategy for professional and executive positions as determined by the Hiring Manager and Human Resources.
103.10.5 The Hiring Manager will establish application deadlines, usually a minimum of two weeks from posting.

103.11 Candidate Screening

103.11.1 Applications/transfer requests will be collected in Human Resources and sent to the Hiring Manager for consideration.
103.11.2 Those applicants who most closely match the position requirements will be pre-screened and/or interviewed by the Hiring Manager using a standardized questionnaire template provided by Human Resources.
103.11.3 Identified personnel will administer applicable testing.
103.11.4 Second interviews may be conducted by a panel when requested by the Hiring Manager. For those candidates from out of town, the Hiring Manager shall work with Human Resources to determine the appropriate means of interviewing (phone, teleconference, travel,etc.)
103.11.5 The Hiring Manager will identify the top candidate and background checks will be completed as outlined in the specific background policy.
103.11.6 The Hiring Manager will consult with Human Resources and appropriate Department Director prior to making a job offer. A salary quote will be established as outlined in this policy and upon approval, a contingent job offer will be made by the Hiring Manager.
103.11.7 Human Resources will schedule the pre-employment screening. Upon successful completion, the Hiring Manager will make the final job offer.
103.11.8 Human Resources will set the new employee orientation dates. The supervisor will complete the new employee setup request form.
103.11.9 Human Resources will communicate to those applicants not selected within two weeks of return of applications from the Hiring Manager.

103.12 Salary Quote

The minimum of the pay range will be used as the foundation for quoting new hire salaries.

103.12.1 The Director of Human Resources will be consulted when calculating new employee salaries, internal promotions, or demotions.
103.12.2 All quotes between the minimum and 30% into the range must be approved by Human Resources and the Department Director.
103.12.3 All quotes over 30% into the range must be approved by the Department Director, Human Resources and Administration.