
Right of Way


Right-of–Way inspectors responsibilities are diverse, but can be broken down into four basic parts: inspections, administrative duties, the handling of customer complaints, and One-call investigation. The following is a simple breakdown of those responsibilities.

Specifications/Contract Documents

Inspectors regularly perform and document the following inspections within the City Right-of-Way to ensure they comply with City Standards as addressed in the Design and Construction Manual Ordinance No. 5302.
The right of way contains a very large investment by the taxpayer and franchise partners. It is important to manage it correctly by verifying depth and locations of proposed utilities. It is also important to insure the infrastructure is not damaged or damages repaired correctly.

One Call Investigation:
Missouri One Call is often used investigate complaints and determine work areas within the City not having current permits. This service can be used to locate the “who, what, when, where and why” both in and outside of the City Right-of-Way. To obtain this information simply log in to the Missouri One Call web site and follow the prompts. (See the One Call Procedures section)

Handling of Customer Complaints:
Inspectors help to resolve customer complaints both inside and outside of the City Right-of-Way. The efficient processing of customer complaints is a critical part of the Right-of-Way inspectors’ day to day duties. The information must be accurate and detailed to insure the highest level of customer service possible.

Plan Review:
When available plans should be reviewed prior to the beginning of an inspection.

Driveway Approach and Public Sidewalks:
Verify that locates have been marked and proper permits have been issued for work to be preformed. If no locates or permit exists, order the work to be stopped until this is done. Inspect forms for proper depth of concrete, compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A) guidelines and City Sidewalk Standards. Check for stable sub-grade, compacted aggregate base, proper materials, finish and cure.

Street Cuts:
Verify that locates have been marked and proper permits have been issued for work to be preformed. If no permit exists, have the excavator secure(street plate) the excavation and order the work to be stopped until this is done. Check backfill for minimum compaction standards. Verify proper flowable fill is being used when required. Inspect for T-cut, concrete depth and asphalt cap per City standards.

Verify that locates have been marked and proper permits have been issued for work to be preformed. If no permit exists, order the work to be stopped until this is done. Review the plans on Curbs. Look for stable sub-grade, proper form and dowel placement. Expansion joint may be required. Check concrete ticket to verify time of load, required mix design, slump and air entrainment meet City standards. Inspect the placement to insure there is no honeycombing. If honeycombing exists it must be mortared in. Inspect final finish and cure.

Verify locates have been marked and that proper permits have been issued for work to be preformed. If no permit exists, order the work to be stopped,have the contractor secure the site(orange safety fence and cones or barricades) permit is acquired. Verify the safety to the public and protection of adjacent features are met. Check to see that compacted back fill and restoration meet City Standards.

Traffic Control:
Verify that proper permits have been issued for work to be preformed. If no permit exists, order the work to be stopped until one is issued. If the contractor does not comply, contact the police department. Insure that work zone meets City Standards (MUTCD) or is otherwise compliant per pre-approved plan.

Utility/Infrastructure Repairs:
Verify locates have been marked and proper permits have been issued for work to be preformed. If no permit exists, order the work to be stopped until this is done. Inspect repair for proper materials, installation, backfill and restoration per City standards.


Right-of-Way staff performs the following administrative duties:

Issuing the following Documents:

  • Right-of-Way Excavation Permits a ROW permit is required for any excavation or directional bore that is performed within the City ROW. ROW permits may be applied for in person at Lee’s Summit City Hall, online at the City website, or via fax.
  • Traffic Control Permits - a TCP permit is required when any work being performed, impedes traffic on arterial and primary streets. These permits may be applied for in person at Lee’s Summit City Hall, online at the City website, or via fax.
  • Dumpster Permits - a Dumpster Permit is required whenever a dumpster is to be placed on a city street (Placement on a city street is a last resort). These permits may be applied for in person at Lee’s Summit City Hall, online at the City website, or via fax.

Generates the following Documents:

  • Monthly Report - At the conclusion of each month the ROW section must generate a monthly report. This report contains the monthly revenue and a brief summary of the projects and issues that the ROW inspectors worked on. When completed, the monthly report is sent via e-mail to the Director of Public works, the Deputy Directors of Public Works, and the Public Works Inspections Supervisor.
  • Yearly Report - At the conclusion of each fiscal year, the ROW section must generate a end of year report. This report contains the total revenue for the year, and may contain a brief summary of the ROW Sections yearly accomplishments.
  • Current Billing - At the conclusion of every month, the ROW section must generate a list containing all of the ROW permits that were issued for the month. Once the list is generated, it must then be signed by either the Director of Public Works, or one of the Deputy Directors of Public Works. The signed list is then submitted in person to the Finance Department so that bills can be generated and sent to the appropriate party.
  • Delinquent Billing Notices - Once every month the Finance Department sends out a billing report containing the status of all the unpaid ROW balances. It is the ROW sections’ responsibility to identify any overdue balances and send out past due notices.
  • Letters - The ROW inspector regularly writes and sends out various letters. These letters include letters of violation, meeting request letters, and informational letters.

Organizes Utility coordination meetings:
The ROW section must organize and host utility coordination meetings on an as needed basis. Utility companies are invited to these meetings to discuss current and future City projects. Utility relocations are identified and time lines for the proposed relocations are set.

Field Observations

The Right-of-Way(ROW) Inspector should be looking for many different things while in the field performing their daily job duties. The following are some things that the ROW inspector should looking for.

When approaching a work zone, make sure that proper traffic control measures are being used.

Confirm that the contractor has the appropriate permits for the work being performed (ROW permit, Traffic Control Permit, Dumpster Permit, Codes Permits).

Look to see that the contractor has utility locates prior to and during excavation.

After the contractor has completed the work, look over the job site for any damage to sidewalks,curbs,streets,and grassy areas. If there is damage contact the contractor.

If the inspector sees utility markings in the city ROW, use the Missouri One Call System to investigate what work will be occurring at the location.

When inspecting concrete work, check the concrete tickets for proper mix and time of batch.

While patrolling right of way, watch for equipment or trucks on the streets that suggest excavation work. Don't always take the main routes, drive areas not normally seen by inspectors. Encourage co-workers to keep vigilant and report to you if there is doubt about permits or see violations.


Keep a diary and document any unusual activity.
Take photos and place in the proper file.

Missouri One Call ticket

R.O.W. Restoration Inspection

Violation letter