
804 Cash Audit Policy

Table of Contents: Chapter 8



804.1 Applicability

This Cash Audit Policy applies to all locations in the City which collect and/or have custody of cash, including petty cash. The locations include but are not limited to the following: Administration, Inspections, Public Works- Engineering, Landfill, Airport, Streets Police, Animal Control, Fire, Finance, Planning & Development, Municipal Court, Recreation Center, Parks & Recreation, Pool, Fleet, ITS, , and other locations where cash is received as they may be established.

804.2 Purpose

Cash internal control procedures are established to ensure the safeguarding of cash and cash equivalents. Access to cash is restricted to authorized personnel. Non-routine cash counts create an environment resistant to the misuse and misappropriation of public funds.

804.3 Audits

804.3.1 Unannounced, non-routine cash counts will be conducted periodically. The counts will be done by Finance Department personnel who have no other duties pertaining to cash receipts.

804.3.2 Recorded cash on hand and petty cash balances will be compared with a physical cash count. The cash count will be done in the presence of the cash custodian for that location.

804.3.3 Discrepancies or irregularities shall be reported to the applicable Department Director, the Finance Director, and the City Manager for further investigation.