
501 Travel and Meetings Policy

Table of Contents: Chapter 5



501.1 Purpose

The intent of this policy is to provide guidelines and procedures for reimbursement of allowable expenditures for City employees conducting City business on behalf of the City of Lee's Summit.

501.2 Travel Advances

Advances and/or reimbursements will be given for official business and travel related expenses incurred by employees while they carry out official duties or attend professional conferences or training which provides mutual benefit for the employee and the City. The list of allowable expenditures is intended to cover reasonable and necessary travel costs, while providing the lowest and the best cost of travel to the City.

501.3 Mutual Benefit

The City of Lee's Summit believes the purpose of travel and training is for the mutual benefit for the employee and the employer. The City will make every effort to adjust work schedules to accommodate travel and training during the normal workweek, including flexible work schedules. For mandatory employee training or travel, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) will apply.

501.4 Definitions

"Travel Days" - Travel days will be determined as follows:
a) First day of travel will be the day immediately prior to the conference or any preconference activities which includes trade shows, meetings, seminars, and exhibits; or the first day of the conference if it begins after 1:00 pm and travel arrangements can be made for the same day.

b) Last day of travel will be the day immediately following the conference or the last day of the conference if it ends by 1:00 pm and travel arrangements can be made for the same day.

"Lee's Summit" shall include all areas within the corporate City limits.

"Metropolitan Area" - the metropolitan area shall generally include the Kansas City metropolitan area, which is defined as a fifty (50) mile radius around Lee's Summit.

"Travel Authorization Request Form" - the travel authorization request form (TAR) is the document that outlines all travel-related expenses.

501.5 Travel Authorization

All travel should be approved by the Department Director prior to registration, booking airfare, and/or lodging. For travel outside the Kansas City Metropolitan area, a Travel Authorization Request form must be completed and approved by the appropriate supervisor and Department Director prior to the travel occurring.

For travel involving airfare or overnight stay, final approval shall be obtained prior to the travel occurring from the City Manager or his/her designee.

Travel within Lee's Summit or the metropolitan area must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and Department Director. A Travel Authorization Request form is not required. Overnight stays will not be approved.

501.6 Travel Authorization Request Procedure

501.6.1 The Travel Authorization Request (TAR) form must be completed for travel outside of the metropolitan area in order to document approval and tracking of the City's travel and training budget.

501.6.2 The TAR provides for authorization of business travel prior to the trip. It must be signed by the appropriate supervisor and Department Director and, as set forth in the section above, by the City Manager or his/her designee as applicable.

501.6.3 The TAR information is used by the Finance department to issue a travel advance to the person traveling and serves as the basis to reconcile actual expenses incurred by the employee upon return from City business.

501.6.4 Documentation explaining the purpose of the trip should be attached to the TAR. Detailed conference advertisements, seminar schedules, or letters pertaining to the meeting are examples of appropriate documentation.

501.6.5 The TAR should include all costs associated with the trip, even if some items are prepaid and are not being requested as part of the advance, in order to demonstrate the full cost of the travel. This includes airfare and conference registration fees.

501.6.6 The reconciliation should be completed with the actual expense amounts and receipts attached within two weeks of returning from the business trip. A signature from the City Manager or his/her designee is not required if reconciliation does not produce a need for further exchange of funds between the City and the employee.

501.6.7 Should reconciliation require an employee to reimburse the City for advances made and reimbursement is not made within two weeks of returning from the business trip, one or more of the following employee actions may apply:

  • Disciplinary action
  • Further training suspended
  • Payment schedule through payroll

501.7 Travel and Allowable Expenditures outside the metropolitan area with overnight stay

501.7.1 Registration- Registration for conferences or training should be paid in advance of the travel in an effort to take advantage of discounts and be paid for with a City procurement card, by purchase order, or check request. Optional entertainment related activities or guest/spouse registration fees shall not be paid by the City.

501.7.2 Transportation-the City pays the lowest of air or ground transportation.

501.7.3 Ground Transportation-City vehicles should be used whenever possible or as appropriate. A brief explanation of the reason for not utilizing a City vehicle is required.

501.7.4 Personal vehicle mileage will be paid only if specifically approved by the Department Director and reimbursement will be made for the most reasonable direct route. The mileage rate for all employees using a personal vehicle will be the most current adopted IRS code rate at the time of travel, regardless of whether the individual receives a car allowance.

If an employee chooses to drive his/her personal vehicle, the employee assumes personal liability for any damage and injury occurring as a result of use of the personal vehicle.

501.7.5 Airfare-The employee should secure three travel quotes. Authorization will be given only for the cost of the most cost-effective or most direct flights to and from the travel destination for travel days.

Airline tickets should be purchased in advance of the travel in an effort to take advantage of reduced rates, and be paid for with a City procurement card designated for this purpose.

If a lower airfare is available by extending the trip and adding applicable costs of additional days' lodging and per diem, the option of extending the trip will be offered, but not required, to the employee so long as the total, including the lower airfare and additional costs, does not exceed a higher airfare.

501.7.6 Lodging-Lodging will be paid for the nights the employee is on City business based on travel days. An itemized lodging receipt is required for reimbursement.

Lodging generally includes the cost of the room and any applicable taxes and charges. The following items are expressly excluded from reimbursement: movies, bar and snack charges, and costs associated with an employee's family or guests.

When making reservations for lodging, inquiries should be made about government discounts. The employee should obtain a Tax- Exempt Certificate prior to traveling to avoid paying certain sales taxes for lodging within the State of Missouri.

501.7.7 Meals and other incidentals- A per meal per diem ( which includes reasonable tips) will be paid based on the rates contained in the IRS Publication in the "Standard Meal Allowance" Section adopted by policy annually. Other locations in the United States designated as high-cost areas are qualified for high standard meal allowances.

The estimated cost of any meals that are included with the conference registration that the employee is attending will be deducted from the per meal per diem amount for the applicable meal.

The per diem is also intended to cover any other incidental costs that may be incurred such as tips for bell hops or housekeeping.

501.8 Exception

The expenses for meals will be calculated based on the per meal per diem in the travel advance. However, the City Manager, Assistant City Managers, and Department Directors shall have the option to receive the meal per diem or the actual meal or food expenses with detailed receipts, whichever is greater. No reimbursement will be provided for alcohol purchases.

501.9 Other Reimbursable Expenses

501.9.1 A per diem amount shall be provided for personal phone calls for each day of overnight travel at the current established rate. No other reimbursement for personal phone calls shall be provided. Phone calls to conduct City business will be reimbursed based on actual charges; employees are required to use the toll free telephone number when calling City offices to alleviate these charges. Employees are encouraged to use the most cost effective method for necessary City business related calls.

501.9.2 Taxi or shuttle service to or from airports, hotels, convention centers, restaurants and other City business conducted shall be reimbursed with receipts. Tips in a reasonable amount may be included. Employees are encouraged to carpool when possible.

501.9.3 Expenses to rent a car shall be reimbursed with receipts if the employee obtains pre-approval by the Department Director or City Manager or his/her designee prior to travel. The approval for renting a car shall be at the discretion of the Department Director or City Manager or his/her designee.

501.9.4 Mileage to the Kansas City International or Downtown Airport will be reimbursed for one round trip at the most current adopted IRS code (the lessor of the distance to and from the airport to City Hall or the employee's residence). For employees receiving a City car allowance, no mileage will be reimbursed for travel to and from the airport.

501.9.5 Parking and toll fees for business activities shall be reimbursable with receipts. At the airport, employees shall be reimbursed only for long-term/satellite parking. Short-term parking expenses will only be reimbursed upon authorization from the Department Director or City Manager or his/her designee.

501.9.6 Fees for money order or travelers check purchases and/or foreign currency exchanges shall be reimbursable with receipts.

501.9.7 Reasonable and customary airline luggage surcharges for one bag will be reimbursed with detailed receipts.

501.9.8 Fuel expenses, when driving a City vehicle, shall be reimbursable with detailed receipts.

501.9.9 Reasonable and actual laundry expenses during extended travel for more than ten consecutive days shall be reimbursable with receipts.

501.9.10 Valet parking and related tips shall be reimbursable with receipts.

501.9.11 Resort fees and/or reasonable Internet fees for business related reasons will be reimbursed with receipts.

501.10 Travel and allowable expenditures within the metropolitan area.

501.10.1 No overnight stays will be approved.

501.10.2 The cost of registration for training of the City employee is a reimbursable travel expense.

501.10.3 Mileage expense to seminars, training sessions, and other places where City business is conducted will be reimbursed at the current mileage rate. Employees receiving a car allowance are not eligible for reimbursement for mileage within the metropolitan area.

501.10.4 Only meals which take place in a clear business setting and are for work related reasons will be reimbursable with appropriate receipts. These will be processed through a check request to Accounts Payable, and are not reimbursable through petty cash. No other meals will be reimbursed.

501.10.5 Luncheon seminars or meetings such as Chambers of Commerce, Business Leagues, and trade or professional associations where the charge for the meal is separate from the total cost will be paid at actual cost, which may be in excess of per diem amount when supported by a copy of the meeting agenda or a paid receipt provided to Accounts Payable. These are not reimbursable through petty cash.

501.10.6 Parking costs will be reimbursed with proper documentation.

501.11 Travel and allowable expenditures outside the metropolitan area without overnight stay.

501.11.1 If the event permits reasonable drive time on the same day, lodging will not be approved.

501.11.2 The cost of registration for training of the City employee is a reimbursable travel expense.

501.11.3 Mileage expense to seminars, training sessions, and other places where City business is conducted will be reimbursed at the current mileage rate.

501.11.4 Only meals which take place in a clear business setting and are for work related reasons will be reimbursable with appropriate receipts. These will be processed through a check request to Accounts Payable, and are not reimbursable through petty cash. No other meals will be reimbursed.

501.11.5 Luncheon seminars or meetings such as Chambers of Commerce, Business Leagues, and trade or professional associations where the charge for the meal is separate from the total cost will be paid at actual cost, which may be in excess of per diem amount when supported by a copy of the meeting agenda or a paid receipt provided to Accounts Payable. These are not reimbursable through petty cash.

501.11.6 Parking costs will be reimbursed with proper documentation.

501.12 Other Non-Reimbursable Expenses

501.12.1 Extended Personal Travel. If the employee travels earlier or stays longer for personal reasons in conjunction with an approved conference and the travel extension is not related to City business or not specifically granted in order to provide a net savings to the City as described in the "Allowable Expenditures-Outside the Metropolitan Area" section of this policy, all additional lodging and travel costs shall be paid by the employee. No per diem rate shall be granted for days other than days approved for conducting City business.

501.12.2 Political Activities. The City shall not pay for expenses incurred by an employee for attendance at political rallies or events held for the purpose of promoting the candidacy of an individual for public office, advocating or opposing a ballot issue.

501.12.3 Gasoline for City vehicles. When using a City vehicle, no mileage reimbursement shall be made to an employee. Only the cost of gasoline, with proper receipts, will be reimbursed.

501.13 Overtime Pay during Travel for Non-exempt Employees - Overtime pay during travel for non-exempt employees is covered in the Travel Time policy in Section 205.