
104 Temporary Employment

Table of Contents: Chapter 1



104.1 Temporary Employees

Employees may be hired to fill temporary or intermittent positions which develop as a result of seasonal or general increases in a departments work load, or to perform the duties of a permanent position when the incumbent is on authorized leave such as vacation, sick leave, maternity leave, etc.

104.2 Rate of Pay & Benefits

Temporary employees shall be paid at a rate agreed upon by the Personnel Officer and the Hiring Manager, and approved by the Department Director and City Manager. They are not eligible for employee benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, sick leave, vacation leave, paid holidays, etc. When a temporary employee works on a holiday as designated in the Code of Ordinances, then the employee shall be paid at two (2) times their regular rate of pay. When a temporary employee works more than forty (40) hours in one work week, they shall be paid at time and one half.

104.3 Separation

Temporary employees may be separated from the City's employment without notice.