Welcome City Employee

The IT Policies, Procedures and Standards provided on this site are to assist you in safely and effectively using Information Technology resources at the City of Lee's Summit.  This site is maintained by Information Technology Services.  Please direct all questions, suggestions and requests to the ITS Help Desk (x1234).  Thank you.
Review official IT  policies of the City of Lee's Summit.   When applicable, Policy documents provide reference to the applicable laws, regulations and requirements which have defined the specific need. ITS also strives to align IT Policy with best practice standards for IT  management as defined via the IT Governance plan.
Access to reference-only version of City Personnel Policies which are related to or refer to IT  Policies.
Access City IT Procedures which provide information on how IT  Policies are managed and how IT  services are delivered.

Directory of ITS Services provided to the City of Lee's Summit

Reference list of current standards for hardware, software and related technology supported at the City
For reference to common terms used in City IT  Policies, Procedures and Standards