Article 1. "Purpose"

The IT Steering Committee was established to:

  1. Evaluate the IT project portfolio and prioritize initiatives.
  2. Assess major IT operational services to provide recommendations and feedback towards improving the effectiveness of those efforts.
  3. Teview project outcomes and consider the derived value of the IT initiatives.

In addition, the following items may also be considered directly by the IT Steering Committee or indirectly by appointed sub-committees.

  1. Review and/or recommend IT Policies/Procedures.
  2. Review and/or recommend IT Standards.
  3. Review and revise IT Strategic Plan.
  4. Align City/Mayor & Council/Department goals with ITS Goals and Objectives.

Article II. "Membership"

Section 1.
The membership shall consist of members who are City of Lee's Summit employees as defined in the following sections.

Section 2.
Employees who are in the following position within the City of Lee's Summit will be standing members of the committee:

  • Assistant City Administrator
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Director of Finance Department

Section 3.
The Assistant City Administrator shall appoint additional IT Steering Committee members for a term of one year, with the consent of the employee's supervisor.

Any member is eligible for reappointment and may serve successive terms.

One (1) representative shall be appointed from the following Departments:

  • - Fire Department
  • - Police Department
  • - Public Works Department
  • - Water Utility Department
  • - Parks Department
  • - Codes Administration
  • - Planning & Development

In addition, representatives will be appointed on behalf of all of the following Departments/Divisions as shown:

  • - 1 representative from Human Resources, Fleet or Purchasing
  • - 1 representative from Administration, Law or Municipal Court.

Article III. "Officers"

Section 1.
The Assistant City Administrator shall serve as the committee chairperson and the Chief Technology Officer shall serve as the Vice Chairperson.

Section 2.
The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and the Vice-Chairperson shall serve in the absence of the Chair. The Chairperson shall appoint sub-committees when appropriate and designate a chair of the subcommittee.

Article IV. "Meetings"

Section 1.
Regular meetings shall be held a minimum of 4 times per year.

Section 2.
Meeting schedules will be coordinated around the annual City budget calendar in order to allow for IT program recommendations to be considered and incorporated into the City budget review process.

Section 3.
Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson with a two week prior written notice to all members, except in cases of emergency.

Section 4.
A quorum shall consist of a majority of current members at any meeting.

Section 5.
Any action taken by a majority vote of the members present at a duly called meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute an authorized action.