Policy Reference

Category Multimedia Storage
Approval Date DRAFT
Scope All Personnel


The permanent storage of video or audio files on the City network data storage is prohibited in order to minimize the impact on the City's network storage capacity. The permanent storage of final video or audio files shall be on an ITS approved video or audio storage system or web service.


  1. ITS is responsible for approving dedicated storage systems and web services for the purpose of storing video or audio files.
  2. It is prohibited to permanently store video or audio files on the City network data storage.
  3. Permanent storage of video or audio file shall be on an approved video or audio storage system or web service.
  4. Video or audio files found stored on City network data storage will be removed by ITS after warning file owners.
  5. Video and audio web services will be managed by ITS and individual departments must contact ITS to have content uploaded.
  6. Video file shall be sent in emails as hyperlinks only and shall not be sent as attachments.


  1. Draft versions of videos should be stored at M:\SHARED\Audio Visual
  2. VP Factory is an approved audio  and video web service for productions intended for internal viewing only. http://vpfactory.com
  3. Granicus is an approved audio  and video web service for internal  or public  meetings and  internal training. http://www.granicus.com
  4. You Tube is an approved audio and video web service for productions intended for public viewing. http://www.youtube.com