Follow these instructions to create a new account on the City's file transfer site, hosted by FileGenius.

Log in with Help Desk Account

  1. Open the site https://cityofls.filetransfers.netand login with the Help Desk account (username: helpdesk; password: see password database).

Adding an Account for City Employee

  1. Click on Control Panel.
  2. From the Control Panel menu, select Users.
  3. Select Add User
  4. Enter the following User Information:
  • Username -this should match their network login
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Extension
  1. In the Permissions section, select all of the check boxes except Administrator.
  2. Skip Email Notifications section.
  3. In the Add User to Workspaces section, select Dropbox and select the user's department (e.g. Public Works, Human Resources, etc.)
  4. Click Add User
  5. At this time the user will be emailed with further instructions on changing a password and accessing the File Transfer Site.

Adding an Account for Non-City Employee or Organization

  1. Open the site https://cityofls.filetransfers.netand login with the Help Desk account (username: helpdesk; password: see password database).
  2. Click on Control Panel.
  3. From the Control Panel menu, select Users.
  4. Select Add User
  5. Enter the following User Information:
  • Username -this should be an easily identifiable username with no more than 20 characters
  • First Name - The first name of the contact
  • Last Name - The last name of the contact
  • Email Address - The email address of the contact
  • Organization
  • Phone/Ext - This should be the phone number of the contact  
  1. In the Permissions section, select Upload Files and Download Files.
  2. Skip Email Notifications section.
  3. In the Add User to Workspaces section, select Dropbox
  4. Click Add User


At this time the user will be emailed with further instructions on changing a password and accessing the File Transfer Site.