
It is the purpose of these Personnel Policies to establish guidelines and procedures which will be followed by the City in the administration of its personnel system and administration. The responsibility for administering the policies and procedures set forth shall be under the direction of the City Manager. These Personnel Policies shall become effective immediately upon approval of the City Manager. Although not meant to cover every circumstance, each section of the Personnel Policies shall remain in full force and effect until specifically rescinded, modified, or supplemented by the City Manager.

Notwithstanding anything herein, all employees are at will, per Missouri law; the City and/or employee may terminate the employment relationship with or without reason. Nothing in this manual should be construed as an employment contract or guarantee of employment.


The City Manager will have the overall responsibility for the enforcement of these personnel policies. Department directors will be entrusted with the responsibility of enforcing the citywide policies, as well as departmental policies, within their departments.

Policy Amendment

The City Manager will have the exclusive authority to approve amendments to these policies.

All prior personnel policies are hereby repealed or parts of policies in conflict with these Personnel Policies are hereby repealed and the following personnel policies are adopted. The current manual may be accessed on the City's Intranet site.

Stephen A. Arbo
Stephen A. Arbo 03/31/2022
City Manager

Date of 25th Update

Table of Contents: