Table of Contents: Chapter 6



607.1 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of workers and to promote the safe, smooth flow of traffic and pedestrians in and around work zones as it applies to non emergency situations.

607.2 Departmental Policies

Any special requirements such as those required by the Fire and Police departments will be governed by department policy.

607.3 Definition

For purposes of this policy, a work zone is defined as any work being performed or equipment setting within the right of way.

607.4 Traffic Control

The requirements of traffic control devices are to fulfill a need, command attention, convey a clear simple meaning, command respect from motorists and pedestrians, as well as give ample time for a response from a motorist or pedestrian.

Effective temporary traffic control enhances traffic safety and efficiency, regardless of whether street construction, maintenance, utility work, or roadway incidents are taking place in the workspace. Effective temporary traffic control must provide for the safety of workers, road users, pedestrians, and equipment. At the same time, it must provide for the efficient completion of whatever activity has suspended normal use of the roadway.

Traffic control devices placed and maintained by state and local officials are required by statute to conform to a state manual which shall be in substantial conformance with the manual on uniform traffic control devices (MUTCD).

It shall be the responsibility of the assigned safety traffic control person to set up and maintain traffic control conforming to the MUTCD within the construction zone.

Flaggers: The work zone shall dictate the traffic control set up and requirements for flaggers based on roadway occupancy, duration of operations, terrain and conditions as directed by the supervisor. Each situation should be based on:

1. Volume and speed of traffic - All primary and secondary roadways will require traffic control.

2. Duration of operations - Any activity that suspends normal use of the roadway will require traffic control.

3. Exposure of hazards - The work zone should provide an adequate space between workers and traffic flow.

Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of all supervisory personnel to ensure that the employees working in work zones have the proper training and equipment to insure a safe work environment. Implementation, surveillance and monitoring of work zones are the responsibility of the employee assigned to traffic control. This person shall not be assigned any other duties that would distract him/her from maintaining the traffic zone.

It is the responsibility of all supervisory personnel to ensure there is a specific employee exclusively responsible for maintaining traffic control devices within each work zone.

As defined by the supervisor, traffic controls will be placed so as to provide the safest and easiest means to move traffic through work areas. Proper equipment will be utilized within the work zone. All vehicles and equipment will have proper safety lighting. It is the responsibility of all supervisory personnel to ensure that traffic control is set up in construction areas requiring traffic control devices, and to take appropriate action for violation of this policy.

607.5 Backup Warning Devices

There will be back up warning devices on equipment and trucks one ton and over.

607.6 Protective Equipment

Appropriate personal protective equipment will be utilized within the work zone as defined by the supervisor. Reflective vests are mandatory in the work zone.