Table of Contents: Chapter 3



312.1. Purpose

Employees experiencing personal problems which may be affecting their job performance are encouraged to seek help in resolving these problems. The City will assist in securing treatment for personal problems, which may affect job performance of employees sincerely interested in correcting or resolving the problem

312.2. EAP Benefits

The City provides health insurance coverage for employees including benefits for alcohol and drug dependency and mental illness. Further, the City funds thecosts of approved visits by an employee to the EAP provider for any personal problem.

312.3. Confidentiality

Such assistance will be confidential and will not become a part of the employee's employment record when self-initiated.

312.4. Mandatory Referral

When it is determined by the City that there is a need to have an evaluation by the EAP, the City can require the employee to report to the designated provider and comply with all treatment recommendations. Employees are reminded that failure to seek help when a mandatory referral is made from the supervisor for personal problems which affect the employee's performance on the job, can be designated as a condition of employment.