Table of Contents: Chapter 1



112.1 Purpose

Any employee hired or promoted into a regular position shall serve an introductory period. This time shall be utilized to observe closely the employee's work to secure the adjustment of the new employee in the new position and to correct an employee whose performance does not meet required work standards.

112.2 Duration

The introductory period shall be six (6) months actual service except for sworn members of the Fire Department, Police Department, and Communication Dispatch members of either Fire or Police, all of which shall serve a period of twelve (12) months actual service. Any interruption of service during this period shall not be counted as part of the introductory period.

The length of probation may be extended by the Department Director for a period of up to six (6) additional months. No employee shall serve over twelve (12) months actual service on an introductory probation except for sworn members of the Fire and Police Department, who shall not serve over eighteen (18) months actual service on an introductory probation.

112.3 Transfer

Employee must have completed at least six (6) months of service to apply for transfer. Employees must have completed at least six (6) months of service to apply for transfer. Employees who have not passed their probationary period may not transfer to another position unless approved by Human Resources and the Department Director under extenuating circumstances.

112.4 Dismissal

At any time during the probationary period, an employee whose performance does not meet the required standards may be dismissed by an appointing authority provided, however, that such action and the reasons therefore must be reported in writing to the Human Resources Department. An employee separated from employment during the introductory period does not have the appeal right. An employee who is dismissed during the introductory period, and who has not completed twelve (12) months actual service, shall not be entitled to cash allowance for accumulated vacation leave. An employee who has completed more than twelve (12) months actual service, and who may be dismissed during the extended time period shall be entitled to cash allowance for accumulated vacation leave.

112.5 Promotions

In general, employees promoted to a higher-level classification will be required to serve a six-month probationary period in the new classification. Members of the IAM should refer to the bargaining agreement for promotional trial period information.