Table of Contents: Chapter 1



108.1 Purpose

To promote a safe and honest work environment, background checks will be conducted by Human Resources on all job applicants determined as final candidates for employment and current employees according to this policy. The City has a duty to be informed prior to making any employment decisions which will be based upon sound business reasons without regard to national origin, ethnic background, age, gender, race, or any other legally protected category.

All information will be maintained by Human Resources and only necessary information will be provided to the department.

108.2 Work references prior to extending a job offer:

  • Work references will be checked;
  • Dates of prior employment will be verified; and
  • Position(s) held will be verified.

108.3 Criminal history and driving records:

108.3.1 Release - In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, all applicants will sign a release of information to obtain criminal background, and other applicable information at time of application. They will be provided a copy of the Federal Trade Commission's Advisory, "A Summary of Your Rights."
108.3.2 Use of Information - The nature of the job, any conviction and when the crime occurred will be considered. No convictions which substantially relate to the circumstances of the particular job are permitted of prospective City employees. Examples include violence, use of a firearm or other weapon against a person or during the commission of a crime or involving the possession for sale or distribution of a controlled substance.
108.3.3 Failure to Disclose - Any conviction not disclosed will be grounds for discharge or the job offer being rescinded based upon falsification of application.
108.3.4 Warrants - Outstanding warrants must be cleared prior to employment in a general employee category. Other considerations may apply with regard to sworn positions.

108.4 Financial History

108.4.1 Credit Reports - Credit reports will be performed on final candidates being considered for positions which have fiscal and/or purchasing accountability as part of the job.
108.4.2 Use of Information - Credit judgments, as a part of the report, and overall financial history of the financial applicant may be considered when making the hiring decision. Convictions related to theft, larceny, or fraud may disqualify an applicant.
108.4.3 Tax Liens - Outstanding tax liens must be cleared prior to employment in a financial position.

108.5 Credentials

108.5.1 Proof of Credentials - Applicants hired in a professional position must provide credentials defined as requirements in the job description. Copies of required college diplomas will be placed in the personnel file prior to beginning work. The City reserves the right to verify credentials.
108.5.2 False Information - Any false information will be grounds for discharge or the job offer being rescinded based upon falsification of application.

108.6 Work References for Previous City Employees

108.6.1 Human Resources - Work references on previous City employees will be given only by Human Resources when proper social security number is provided. Only dates of employment, salary information, and last position held will be verified to potential employers.
108.6.2 Requests for Work References - Employees should not provide work references for previous City employees and should refer requests to Human Resources.

108.7 Background Checks on Current Employees

108.7.1 Investigations - Criminal background and/or financial checks may be performed on any employee involved or suspected to be involved in any criminal or illicit activity while on duty. In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, any such employee will sign a release of information to obtain criminal background, and other applicable information as a condition of employment. The results of the investigation will be considered in assessing the need for and the type of disciplinary action that may be imposed upon the employee.
108.7.2 Promotions or Transfers - Any employee selected for promotion or transfer may be required to submit to appropriate background checks related to the position for final consideration of the position.
108.7.3 Failure to Authorize - Failure to authorize a background check will be grounds for disciplinary action or a basis to rescind the job promotion or transfer. Authorization may be considered a condition of employment.