

Pump Stations come in all shapes and sizes and carry a variety of product. In the Public Works it is mostly wastewater and potable water. Stations can be underground or in a building. So, not only the plumbing is involved, but electrical, carpentry and concrete work will be necessary. Grading, exavation,seeding, paving and all types of construction will be required.

Water Storage Tanks can be underground or elevated, requiring knowledge in concrete, rebar placement, welding, sandblasting criteria, and specialty painting. Electrical, Scaada, as well as plumbing.

Contract Documents

Review all Contract and Plan documents including addendums and project special provisions.
If the City has built a similar station in the past, a field trip could help get familiar with the layout. A brief interview with the operator could also be helpful.

Water Tanks will also have similar documents as pump stations.


Review Contract Division 1 for the list of items that are required submittals. This section should show all items that need to be submitted, who reviews and approve the Contractors submittals.

Tanks will have engineers calculations for wind shear and earthquake zone requirements.

Field Observations

Check erosion control, verify materials are approved per shop drawings, check elevations, wage rates, steel placement, concrete testing, including vibration, hot or cold weather procedures and traffic control if required.
Structural steel work, masonry, carpentry,hatches, railings, steps, signage are other areas that will be checked.
Electrical work: permits, conduit sizes, support, type and gauge of wiring, check allowable splices. Verify switches, panels, cabinets, HVAC, generator and lighting are installed per plan. All facets shall be tested prior to going on line.


Contractor and equipment suppliers shall provide operations and maintenance schedules as well as warranty information and contacts.Training of operators are often included during performance testing and valve operations. All coordination will involve Water Utilities.
Place all information in the daily log book and Material records book.
Both water pump stations and water storage tanks require disinfection and bacteria testing results prior to placing in service.